Upgrade hooks

A Match-IT upgrade can destroy user created objects (views, triggers etc.) in our SQL schema. Upgrade hooks provide a means to save/restore these objects around an upgrade.

In the data/match-it.set file you can create new section like this:-

BeforeUpgrade=full path to a program/script to run before upgrade starts
AfterUpgrade=full path to a program/script to run after upgrade finishes

If the [hooks] section is missing or the values are empty no hook is run. If the BeforeUpgrade hook fails the whole upgrade fails.The AfterUpgrade hook is run irrespective of the success or failure of the upgrade.

Feature Checklist

We are discovering that Match-IT has some features that are not always translatable or present in other systems. When migrating to an alternative system you can use the list below as a guide for potential problems.

Note than in Match-IT a “method” is a sequence of “steps” with each step detailing the materials/parts and resources needed to complete the step. Methods can also have sub-contract steps.  Other systems will use terms like “bill of materials”, “assets” “routing” and “work centres”.

Weight – Quantities can be specified as a weight, for example when booking-in Match-IT will calculate the number of items/bars/sheets.

Generic Units – The ability to define units and their conversions for use in all Match-IT contexts.

Unit Abstraction – For example specifying the number of sheets needed in square metres. This can be useful in methods if you need a total length/area regardless of item size. Another example would be booking-in.

Tessellation – Match-IT knows how to cut up 1D and 2D parts to calculate expected returns. Relatedly Match-IT knows not to tessellate fluids.

Part Profiles – User definable item/bar/sheet profiles. For example a 1D hexagonal bar.

Qualifiers – Typed user extensions to the database. For example to attach PDFs and first-article inspections to part records etc. Qualifiers can be used when printing documents to extend the repertoire of available data.

Step-Level Parts – Every step in a method has a corresponding part record facilitating partially complete or failed WOs being booked in at the step level. The scheduler will use these batches as needed to partially satisfy a method schedule.

Checklists – User definable options that must be completed before document approval and configurable for each document type: SO, PO, SCPO, WO, Quote etc.

Configurable Menu Structure – At a system and user level.

Event Diary – A daily to-do list specialised to each user.

Multiple Outputs – Something that is made as a side-effect of making something else. Match-IT will schedule the containing part if it has a demand for the side-effect.

Merging – A post-schedule iterative process whereby WOs and POs are combined based on date constraints to minimise setup costs. This is a powerful feature that is surprisingly absent in many other systems.

Contextual Configuration – For example customer/supplier based paperwork designs (which facilitates running more then one company within Match-IT).

Drill Through UI – From any field the user can navigate to all related records.

Scripting – Match-IT uses Lua as a scripting language. Scripts can access all areas of Match-IT.

Finite Capacity Scheduling – Using one minute granularity.

Partial Rescheduling – Allowing a sales line and any related demands to be rescheduled in a self-contained bubble.

Field Level Security – User groups define access and security rules from processes and files to individual fields.

Aerospace Level Traceability – Using a tree-based UI with various detail options.

Resource Groups – Whereby the scheduler will evaluate ‘the best’ option from a group of alternative resources.

Services – Parts which are invoiced but not delivered.

Consumables – Parts which can be used indefinitely once booked in.

Alternative Parts – Allowing the scheduler to substitute one part for another to keep schedules on time.

Flexible Scheduling Strategies – Cheapest, Quickest etc.

Scheduling Options – Notably to not mix batches in an Aerospace context.

Auditing – Every user action is logged for the last 90 days (configurable) allowing you to answer ‘who changed this to that’ etc.

Method Expressions – Allowing methods to be defined for non-linear part associations.

Disassembly Methods – Allowing returns to be dismantled and re-engineered.

Price Breaks – Prices, costs and lead times etc. are contingent on customer/supplier and quantity.

Customer/Supplier Specific Paperwork – Allowing you to run multiple companies with a different ‘look’ – all from a single Match-IT instance.

Multiple Installations – Your licence covers as many installations as you like which is another way to run multiple companies.

Historical Reprinting – Enabling you to reprint documents the way they were when initially printed.

Assembly Library – Method fragments that can be referenced from or dragged into a method.


Email and phone maintenance

Both our phone company and email provider have coincidently invoked a perfect storm of  maintenance today and both services may be unreliable. If you need help and cannot wait, please use the emergency number 07470 525348.  It’s probably best to assume that any emails and phone messages sent/left today may not arrive as intended.

Company document list

We have added a script to the library that allows you to list all your official company documents and images within Match-IT. Each document can have an arbitrary number of revision records. As well as being generally useful, it is attractive to auditors.

The data comprising the list (not the documents themselves) is stored within the Match-IT database so no ancillary backup procedures are needed. Documents are linked and can be viewed from the list. In reality any file can be added and linked including images and spreadsheets etc.

Get in touch if you would like us to install it for you.










Quite a lot of interest in this. One common request is to add a document class field and a filter on class, which we have now done.

Support ticket emails

It has become apparent that auto-generated emails to support ticket updates have not been delivered to our customers for the last week (ish). We’re not sure exactly when this started, but the problem has now been resolved with our ISP and we have added measures to catch it immediately, should it happen again. If you are waiting on an urgent ticket update, please get in touch so we can bring you up to speed.

DHL Invoice script

We have created a script that creates a CSV file from an invoice in a format required by DHL for Customs. Contact us if you would like it installed on your Match-IT system.

Converting to our SQL back-end.

During the remainder of 2022, we will be converting all customer installations to our SQL back-end, which has many advantages: far more reliable, WiFi friendly, accessible by websites and report generators etc.

We’ll call you to discuss a suitable time to do the conversion and undertake to target evenings/weekends to minimise your downtime.

Call us on 0333 1234 355 if you have any queries.

Changes added for Brexit

1. New OL module defaults available in all paperwork-

Economic Operators Registration Identification (EORI) number

European Control Classification Number (ECCN)

Government Contract number (GCN)

2. Country Of Origin (COO). Uses the existing country code class. New MC default as the backstop. Then optionally definable on a per supplier part basis. Available on sales dispatch and sales invoice line paperwork. This means that if you buy the same part from suppliers in different countries and resell it, the appropriate COO is pulled through on the dispatch and invoice paperwork.

3. Incoterms. New code class and SD default as the backstop. Then optionally overridden in each sales invoice. Available on Sales invoice paperwork. Default can be customer specific.

4. The NumBoxes and SizeandWeight fields already on sales dispatches have been replicated in sales invoices (and available on paperwork).

These changes will cover most scenarios (with some manual effort needed like invoice gross freight weight) and can be evolved to cover edge cases if needed. Qualifiers can also be added to the invoices and dispatches as needed for custom requirements.

Features update

1.  Patton Air enforce very stringent dispatch paperwork/labelling etc requirements, which we have successfully implemented at two sites in the UK.  We have also implemented similar requirements at other sites, including in the USA.  If your customers are also starting to enforce dispatch rules, please do get in touch with us to discuss a solution.

2. To kick off a committed effort to gradually improve CRM capabilities, we have implemented infrastructure that allows qualifiers to be displayed in existing lists.  For example, you may have created qualifier fields for your customer/supplier records.  These can now also be displayed in the list of all customers/suppliers.

3. We would like to try and get everybody up-to-date with the latest version, as it contains several stability improvements.  We are happy to do the upgrades ourselves in the evenings and weekends to avoid any extra down time for you.  Please contact support to arrange your upgrade.

4.  All the the latest changes to Match-IT can be found here:  http://match-it.com/software/release.htm#latest