Security Scheme Import Syntax

A security scheme import file is a text file that can contain leading comment lines and a series of [GROUP] 'folds'. A 'fold' is a set of lines preceded by a line of "{{{  'fold title'" and terminated by a line of "}}}". By convention, these files have a .SEC file extension. The default security scheme can be seen in the configs folder and provide comprehensive examples.

...  [GROUP]

The syntax of the fold title is one of:

[GROUP] GroupNumber [IS] GroupName

[GROUP] GroupNumber [DO]


When GroupNumber is in the range 2..30 it identifies the group being defined. When GroupNumber is ALL, the settings in the fold are applied to all groups (2..30). Group 1 (the quickSOFT group) cannot be changed. When the [IS] option is present, the GroupName is the name to give the group and its description is reset (so the group fold contents define it completely). When the [DO] option is present the existing group name and description are preserved. The contents of the fold define the access privileges available to the group. Only groups whose access is beyond the 'raw' defaults need be defined. Only groups the logged in user is a member of can be changed, and only things the user has access to can be changed.

Attempts to change things the user has no access to are (silently) ignored.

The 'raw' defaults are:

(1) quickSOFT: everything

(2) Agent: everything

(3) System Admin: everything

(4..30) Others: nothing

The fold can contain group description lines followed by any number of 'include' and 'exclude' lines. Facilities can be included/excluded at various levels:

SYSTEM - refers to everything in the system

MODULE - refers to everything in a module

PROCESS - refers to a menu runnable process (ASP)

FILE - refers to a file (ASD)

FIELD - refers to a field (ASF)

DEFAULT - refers to a default (VDS)

WIZARD - refers to a wizard (DRH)

MENU - refers to a menu (BMN)

The include/exclude lines are processed in the order they are encountered. The possible line types and their syntax/semantics are:


all group bits in all ASD, ASF, ASP, BMN, VDS and DRH records are turned off as directed by the flags


xx{,xx} is a comma separated list of module IDs

all ASD, ASF, ASP, BMN, VDS, DRH records for the modules identified are turned on


xx{,xx} is a comma separated list of module IDs

all ASD, ASF, ASP, BMN, VDS, DRH records for the modules identified are turned off


p{,p} is a comma separated list of menu runnable processes

all identified ASP records are turned on


p{,p} is a comma separated list of menu runnable processes

all identified ASP records are turned off


d{,d} is a comma separated list of system default names

all identified defaults are turned on


d{,d} is a comma separated list of system default names

all identified defaults are turned off


w{,w} is a comma separated list of wizard names

all identified wizards are turned on


w{,w} is a comma separated list of wizard names

all identified wizards are turned off


tla{,tla} is a comma separated list of file privileges

all identified ASD records for the identified access are turned on


tla{,tla} is a comma separated list of file privileges

all identified ASD records for the identified access are turned off


name{,name} is a comma separated list of field privileges

all identified ASF records for the identified access are turned on


name{,name} is a comma separated list of field privileges

all identified ASF records for the identified access are turned off


m{,m} is a comma separated list of menu names

all identified BMN records are turned on


m{,m} is a comma separated list of menu names

all identified BMN records are turned off

the flags syntax is: [P][F][S][V][D][W][M]

P=processes,F=files(full access),S=Files(select only),V=fields,D=defaults,W=wizards,M=menus

if flags is not present PFVDWM is assumed (i.e. all present), if present they control what is to be included/excluded

the module ID syntax is: xx([P][F][S][V][D][W][M])

The xx is the two letter module mnemonic.

The letters in []'s have the same meaning as the flags (above).


the tla syntax is: tla([S][C][I][D])

The tla is the three letter file mnemonic.



the field name syntax is: name([V][E][#])

V=view, E=edit, #=level (0..9)


Note: The import file is read via the ZB source file scanning system. This provides an 'include' capability. Lines beginning !#INCLUDE and !#SECTION implement this and are recognised by ZB. Thus these lines can appear anywhere in the script. See the Import File Include Sections for details.