Import File Include Sections

The source file scanning system implements a mechanism to allow one file to reference another. All lines in the referenced (section of) the file appear as if they were defined within the enclosing file. Two directives are recognised by zbScanNext to implement this. They are:

1)  !#INCLUDE('FileName'[,'SectionName'])


2)  !#SECTION('SectionName')

These directives must be at the start of the line. The semantics mimic the Clarion compiler INCLUDE and SECTION directives. In brief: in an !#INCLUDE directive the contents of the file named by 'FileName' is inserted at the point of the !#INCLUDE directive. If a 'SectionName' is given, only lines following the line starting with !#SECTION('SectionName'), and up to the next !#SECTION, or the end of file, are inserted. If the 'FileName' is a relative file name, it is relative to the enclosing file. The 'FileName' and 'SectionName' must be enclosed in single quote marks (') with no leading spaces.