Each of your shop-floor staff that are going to use the SFDC system must be identified to Match-IT and have a cost associated with them. This is done by adding a user record to Match-IT for each such staff member and tagging them as ‘production worker’s. If you want their time to contribute to production costs, you also need to associate a cost-per-hour to them.
To add an SFDC worker user, create a new user record (functions, setup, setup users, new in the standard menus) and check . To stop them being able to do anything else within the system make sure they have no privileges by un-checking all the groups under
The cost-per-hour to associate with a worker can be a global one that applies to all, or a worker specific one, or a mixture. In all cases the costs are defined by associating a resource to the worker. The Default Worker Resource default (in the AS group) sets the resource whose cost will apply unless overridden in the worker user record. To use a worker specific cost, select the resource under Cost Time As on the Costs tab of the user record.
All the standard Match-IT documents are pre-set to print appropriate bar-codes, so you do not need to do anything if you are using the standard documents. If you’ve designed your own documents, then you’ll need to incorporate the appropriate bar-codes into the works order and the various flavours of batch labels.
In the case of the works order, there are three bar-codes: one identifies the whole works order, another identifies a particular step (or operation) within a works order and another identifies a particular output of the works order. The works order code is used when issuing or returning kit. The step code is used when logging time. The output code is used when logging completed products.
To set the works order bar-code; in the document designer, place a bar-code object on your paper (using the tool) and set its data source to the variable Header.wth.OrderBarCode (by double clicking on the bar-code object you placed and selecting the Variable option). Only one of these is needed per works order.
The procedure to set an operation code in the document designer is somewhat different because you need one for each operation. First select the appropriate table from the report structure, for the standard documents this is the table named StepStart, then open the data line in that table where you want to place the bar-code. Use the tool to add another column and select the StepStart.wta.StepBarcode field. This will add the operation bar-code to the table.
The procedure to set an output code is similar to that for an operation, as one is needed for each output (although there is usually only one output to a works order). Select the table named Output, then add the Output.wti.BatchBarcode field as required.
The kit issue and return functions used in SFDC can recognise any of the following labels:
Goods-in label use Label.ptg.BatchBarCode
Inspection pass label use Label.mtj.BatchBarCode
Inspection fail label use Label.mtj.BatchBarCode
Batch label use Label.mtj.BatchBarCode
The procedure to place these bar-codes within the label is similar to placing the works order code described above.
All the shop-floor staff that are going to use the SFDC system need to have a badge with a bar-code to identify them. These can be printed onto an A4 sheet, cut-up and laminated, or just stuck to a wall as a menu. The ID badges can be printed by going to the user list (functions, setup, setup users in the standard menus) and selecting the button. Alternatively, to print a single badge, go into the detail for the user and on the SFDC tab select
The SFDC system allows your shop-floor staff to override the planned resources for a job. The most convenient way to enable this is to print a bar-code ‘menu’ of all your resources and stick it on the wall near your scanning stations. To print a label for all your resources, go to the resource list (functions, setup, setup resources, resource list in the standard menus) and select . Or, to print a single label, go into the resource detail and on the Actions tab select
For some baffling reason, modern bar-code readers can be supplied with Code93 disabled. Match-IT uses Code93 for all its internal bar-codes, so the reader must be enabled to read them. Consult the documentation that came with your reader to enable Code93.
To simplify the returning of dimensioned kit (e.g. bars/extrusions, sheets/plates), you can specify a constant unit of dimension to use. This allows just numbers to be entered and the units will be preset.
The factory default length/width units are MilliMetres. You can set any unit you like by changing the Works Order Dimension Unit default (in the WO group).
To simplify the logging of time, you can specify a constant unit of time to use. This allows just numbers to be entered and the units will be preset.
The factory default time units are Hours. You can set any unit you like by changing the Progress Time Units default (in the WO group).
When logging quantities the system will either pre-fill fields with the expected quantity (optimistic) or make them blank (pessimistic). Which is best for you depends on how you want to operate. Optimistic is useful if you only ever make one of something (e.g. prototypes) or usually do what you expect. Pessimistic is useful if you cannot predict quantities or want to force your operators to enter a number (this stops ‘button-clickers’ just banging through without thinking).
The factory setting is to be optimistic. You can set it pessimistic by changing the Pessimistic Progress Logging default (in the WO group).
When logging the end of a setup or a run you can specify whether a corresponding start-setup or start-run must have already been logged. The factory setting is to allow an ‘end’ log without a corresponding ‘start’. If you run like this then the time must be entered when logging the ‘end’. If you insist on a ‘start’ before an ‘end’ then the time is automatically calculated for you as the difference between the ‘start’ and ‘end’ log action times.
Use the SFDC Allow end with no start default (in the WO group) to change this setting.