Backus Naur Form. This is a notation for describing a grammar.

Thing ::= A B ( C | D ) { E } [ F ]

For example, the above means a ‘Thing’ is composed of an ‘A’ followed by a ‘B’, followed by a ‘C’ or a ‘D’, followed by any number of ‘E’s, followed by an optional ‘F’.

CSV Field:

A single field from a CSV record or a text record. It can be one or more words, e.g. ‘Stansted Road’, or a number, e.g. 3.1459. See also Fixed Field.

CSV Record:

A single line from a CSV file. It consists of a series of CSV fields separated by a designated character (typically a comma). See also Text Record. Each line has the same format.

CSV Separator:

The character that is used to define the boundaries between fields in a CSV record.

Donor CSV File:

A CSV file consists of a series of CSV records, one per line. A ‘donor’ CSV file is one that is providing information from some other system for importing into Match-IT. See also Text File.

Element Separator:

Match-IT fields may consist of multiple elements. The element separator is the character that defines the boundaries between these elements. It is always a comma.

Field Element:

Match-IT fields may consist of multiple elements. For example, a customer contact is a single field in Match-IT, but it consists of two elements: the customer name and the contact name.

Field List:

A field list is required for each file presented to the import system. It consists of a single line of text; usually the first line in a CSV File. It defines the file ID the CSV records are intended for, and lists the field names present in each CSV record.


See What is an import filter?

Fixed Field:

A single field from a Text Record that consists of a fixed number of characters in a fixed position in the record. See also CSV Field.


See What is a group?


This term is used to refer to the process of transferring information from another system into the Match-IT system.


All fields in Match-IT files have an LType associated with them. An LType defines the type of information the field contains and how it is represented for importing purposes.

Match-IT CSV File:

A Match-IT CSV file is a CSV file that is acceptable to the import system. This usually requires a translation (by a filter) of a donor CSV file or a text file. Line 1 of the file must start with the file ID and be followed by a list of the names of the fields being imported. The order of the names in line 1 defines the order in the rest of the file. The order need not be the same as the actual Match-IT database. Unrecognised names will cause an error, and the import will abort, unless the name is preceded by a ‘!’. In this case the associated column in the CSV file will be ignored. Fields that exist in the Match-IT database but not defined in the field list will be filled with their default value.

Match-IT Field:

A Match-IT field is an item of information in one of its files. These fields are given values from the Match-IT CSV files presented to the import system.

Match-IT File:

The Match-IT files are the databases that define your Match-IT system. They are identified by a three letter ID for importing purposes.

Package Separator:

The character that is used to define the boundaries between fields in Match-IT CSV files. This is usually the vertical bar character |.


See What is an import package?

Quote Character:

Donor CSV files often put quote characters around non-numeric fields. E.g. “Stansted Road”. They are significant in that they must be removed before the fields are imported. A default defines what Match-IT considers to be quote characters (usually “ or ‘ or `).


This term is used to refer to a part of a CSV or text file. The part is defined by a starting pattern and an ending pattern. The import system can be directed to ignore all lines up to, and including, the line containing the start pattern. It can also ignore all lines from that containing the end pattern to the end of the file, including the one containing the end pattern.


This term is used to refer to the allowed forms, or grammar, of a structured string. In this case, the import filter script.

Text File:

A collection of Text Records, one to a line. A text file is a source of information for importing. A Text File is similar to a Donor CSV File except that it may contain many different line formats.

Text Record:

A single line from a Text File. It consists of a series of fields (either CSV Fields or Fixed Fields). The fields present, and their format, may vary from line to line.