To define a new unit of measure, or change the details of an existing one, proceed as follows:
From the standard menu (as initially installed) select: Favourites | Functions | Standing Data | Units | Units of Measure. This will present you with a list of all the units of measure.
To add a new currency unit press the new Currency button.
To add a new general unit press the new General button.
To add a new time unit press the new Time button.
In all cases you will be presented with a form to enter the details of your new unit. You can give the unit a name, describe it and also define how it should be shown to you. This is done by the Picture (see What is a unit Picture?).
To set the picture press the Picture and make the selections you want. Press the F1 key to get detailed information on what the picture elements do for you. The effect of your selections is also shown to you on the form.
Press Save to make your selections permanent.