So far in this tour, you’ve seen how to take an order and plan the work for it. You’ve also seen where Match-IT gets the information it needs to plan the work.

In this part of the tour we’ll introduce you to one of the ways you can use to view the status of your jobs.

Match-IT is a real time system. This means if you keep it informed, it can give you instant feedback on progress, no matter how complex the job, and it can tell you if, at your current rate of progress, you’re likely to miss a delivery date.

Match-IT provides facilities to allow you to log progress to any level of detail you wish, including not at all, if that’s appropriate. It is beyond the scope of this tour to go into the logging procedures, but we will show you how to trace a job. A trace gives you a quick overview of the status.

From the initial ribbon menu, press Progress then Sales Dispatches Due. This opens a list of all the sales lines that are due, or overdue, for dispatch. The list does not show orders that are complete, so this is a view of your live orders.