The help described so far is generic and applies to all Match-IT systems. You will typically implement the system in a way that is very specific to you. You must integrate it with all your other business processes and your staff must know how to use it in that context. The Quick help system is provided for this purpose. The Quick help system allows you to write a page of your own information for each screen.

This information can be shown to you in two ways. Firstly, by pressing the F1 key, or the help_icon icon, you will be shown the generic help page for the screen, and from there you will find a link to the associated Quick help page. The link will look like this:


Secondly, you can select the Quick help option from the desktop menu (as left). When you do this, the appropriate quick help page is automatically displayed in its own window as you navigate around the system.



Initially all the quick help pages will be empty, showing just a hint on how to change them (as left). To edit a quick help page, just double-click anywhere in the yellow area and an editor will be shown. Just enter the text you want and press Save.
